Bulk SMS Reseller
If you are a Media company, Advertising agency, or Web Developer you can take advantage of BULK SMS Reseller Packages and set up an extra stream of income for yourself. Moreover, you can offer all the BULK SMS PLANS features under your own branding which your customers will definitely Love.The Reseller Solution enables BulkSMSPLANS clients to earn additional revenue by buying and then reselling SMS credits to their customers. A reseller buys SMS credits in bulk and sells them in smaller batches to their customers.BulkSMS has designed the Reseller Solution to provide our clients with an opportunity to resell SMS credits to their customers for individual and business purposes.
The reseller buys SMS credits from BulkSMS. For example, 100,000 credits cost 12p each. The reseller then sells the SMS credits in batches of 200 credits at a cost of 14 to 16p each. The profit therefore is: 16p - 12p = 4p per SMS credit. BulkSMSPlans cannot match this price as 200 credits bought through BulkSMSPlans will be sold at 16p per credit. The reseller will ideally have many smaller clients rather than a few large clients, and the financial incentive is structured to this end.The resellers risk is that credits need to be bought upfront from BulkSMS, and the reseller needs to collect payment from his/her clients. Note that the SMS credits do not expire.
With Bulk SMS Plans Reseller you can start your Own Bulk SMS Reselling Business In your Local Area Or Across The World. Simply contact your Near About Stores, Institutes, and organizations who needs bulk SMS service for their business promotions.
Register Your account as Reseller
Step 1:

- Register as a Reseller here

- Select the country you want to resell in
- Enter your name, email id and mobile number
- Click I’m not a robot to verify
- It may ask you to select some images to verify
- Now, click on create account
- A login credentials you will receive on your mail id and mobile number
Step 2:
- Now login as a reseller here
- Log in with your register email id and password
It will take you to dashboard.
How to update KYC
Step 1:
- Update Your KYC For the Account Verification if you are newly registered
- Just click on Update KYC

- Your Name Email & mobile Number is selected from your Registration Detail and You can Add one alternate number here
- Click on Next
- Enter Address 1, Address 2, your city & State
Step 2:
- Now, Click on next.
- Select any one address proof like aadhaar card, driving license, voting card & passport
- Select file type from image & pdf.
- Enter document id From your address proof document
- Like If You have to select adhaar card then enter adhaar card number here
- Upload file of front and backside of adhaar card
- Next enter pan Card Number here
- Attach Pan Card Copy
- Next is GST certificate its optional if you have you can add it
- Click finish
(Note- Administrator will review your Documents and activate your Seller account within 2 to 4 working hours.)
How to make Rate Plans for SMS
You Might Have to Deal at a Different Price per SMS With Your Clients. For that, you have to need to Create Different Rate plans.

Step 1:
- To create a rate plan go to the SMS
- Click on rate plan management
- Click here to add a new plan (You can write any name and click the account active.)

Step 2:
- Click on create a new rate plan

In the action section, there are three options :
a.) Edit the rate plan name
b.) Delete rate plan
c.) Manage rate plan
In The Manage Rate Plan, We can Add Countries wise prices for Promotional transactional Or Otp SMS type.
- Select country here - You can Select Countries That Are Assigned to you
- Select Sms type
- Enter Rate per SMS
You can keep different prices for different SMS type like promotional transactional OTP. Keep the rate of SMS whatever price you have sold to your client or you can make rate plans subscription wise packages.
How to make Rate Plans for Voice Calls
You can also set a voice call rate plan if your client wants to use voice calls on the same account.
Step 1:

- Click on Rate Plan Management
Step 2:
- Now click on ADD NEW PLAN
- Enter Rate Plan Name
- Click on Account Active
- Click Create New Rate Plan
Step 3:
- Now go in to Manage Plan
- Select Voice Type Promotional Or transactional
- Enter Rate Whatever You want to Keep
Same like this, we can create different rate plans.
How to Create Customer Account
Step 1:
- Go to Customer Management

- Click on Add New Customer
Here, you have two types of customer :
- Distributor
- Customer
Step 2:
If you want to create a customer account, then select the customer Option.

- Fill company email id ( enter customer email id), customer name or company name, phone no., and Currency( eg: INR )
- Select rate plan whatever price decided with the customer
- Select SMS type
- Select SMS speed per second (default speed: 100)
For eg: If they are sending 10000 SMS in one campaign so System will submit 20 messages per second as per the speed decided by the admin.
- Select SMS type
Promotional: that works 9 am to 9 pm only
Transactional And OTP works 24 hr
- Click on voice call option, now your voice call active.
- Next click on customer active.
- Click domestic only
If you are selecting “Domestic only” button then your clients do not need to add country code prefix with numbers.
But if they want to use multi countries at one panel so you have to untick this domestic only button and they will have to use country code with every number they sending.
- At last, Click create a customer account.
( Note - If Your SMTP & SMS Setup IS done Customer WIll get Automatic Mail for their Login Credentials.)
How to Manage Customer
We Have These Options To manage Customer :

- Email ID: We can Use As Username to Login
- SenderID: Here You can Assign Sender id To Your Clients
(Note: For Sender ID Registration, You may Contact Your Sales Person.)
- View - You Can Click Here to View Customer Detail
- Change Password - You can Change Password Of this user from Your Admin Panel
- Updates - if You want To Edit Or Update Customer Detail
- Delete - You can delete this customer from your reseller panel
- Manage Rate Plan - You Can Change the Rate Plan of this Customer
- Manage Voice Rate Plan - You can Change the voice call rate plan here
- To add Credits: Click On Plus Symbol
- Enter Amount
- Payment Date
- Enter Remarks: Like By Admin
- Click Add SMS Credit
Lets login WIth Credentials. You Can Use Your Own Whitelabel Domain At the Place of this Domain.
How to Whitelabel Your Domain
Step 1:
- Go to Settings option
- Now, click on Whitelabels option

Step 2:
What we need to Do is Change The A Record With This IP?
- Cpanel: If You Are Having Your Domain On Cpanel then log in to Your Cpanel Account
- Go down To Zone Editor
- Go to manage
- Enter your domain here
- TTL (time to live)
- Type A (Enter here IP address)
- Click Add record
Step 3:
- Go back to your reseller panel In the Whitelabel

- Submit this subdomain here (In the title you can add anything like #number one sms platform in india.)
- In domain: add this subdomain we just created
- In footer you can write anything
- Choose a logo file of your company name if available
- Or landscape image that will show in background image
- Click save settings
(Note - Admin will check and approve it. After this domain approved see the my.bulksmsplans.com login page is opening on this domain. You can provide this domain to your clients that will keep our info hide from them.)
How to Create A Record if Your Domain is On Godaddy
If your domain is on go daddy or any other domain provider & not setup with any hosting
Step 1: Go to your domain provider website
Step 2 : Go to your domain manage DNS
Step 3: Here at value option edit it with this ip address and save it
Step 4: Submit the domain in the whitelabels
Step 5: Click on Gateway Setting
Here we have 4 payment gateways:
You can set up any to receive payments directly in your account from your customers who want to make an online purchases. For this, you have to apply to these payment gateway providers. If you have any you can use the merchant id and merchant key to setup.
Step 6: Email templates
Here is some default email templates you can edit them with your company name.
How to Manage SMTP & SMS Manager
If you want a message or mail should go to your clients whenever you add new credits or create new accounts. You need to set up your smtp server and sms api here.
a.) How to Setup SMTP Server
How to Use Gmail As SMTP Server?
You can also use your Gmail id as a SMTP server if you do not have any SMTP Server. Some sites are also provides Free SMTP Server Like Send in Blue , Send grid , mail Champ etc.
Step 1:
- Login to your Gmail Account
- Now Go to Setting
- Go to Forwarding and POP/ I-MAP
- Enable I Map
- Click Save changes
Step 2:
- Go to manage your Google account
- Go to Security
- Go down and turn the less secure app access On
- Turn it on
- Now setup the SMTP in your reseller panel
Step 3:
- Go to Setting
- Click on SMTP & SMS Manager

- Put you EMail id and password
- Fill Smtp Server : for gmail id its smtp@gmail.com
- Fill SMTP port of gmail id 587
- Click on Update general SMTP Setting
Step 4:
- Now we will Test if SMTP working of not
- GIve some balance to this existing client
- A credit Balance Mail Must go with this
- Now go to the sent Mails, We have one mail pushed from SMTP
It's Working!
b.) How to API Setup for SMS notifications
Step 1:
- Create A Customer Account in customer management
- After registration, Enter Login id , Password And click Login
- Now You Are on Dashboard
- Go to Left sidebar in the API
- You can Change API Password Here
Or click on Download Api Integration Guide
- Here We have Both Api id & Password Given , and API link we need to use.
- Copy API id
Step 2:

- Click on the setting, SMTP & SMS Manager
- Enter API here
- Enter API Password Here
- Select SMS Type Transactional
- Encoding Text If your message is in English Language & Unicode IF any Other Language.
- Type Sender id that you want to use
- For any particular sender activation, you can request new in the SMS.
- Type URL
- Go to customer panel in the download integration guide
- Copy this link to Send SMS because rest parameters have already setup in reseller panel
- Paste it
- Click on Update SMS Settings
- Now settings are updated successfully
Step 3:
- Go to Email & SMS Templates
- Here you can edit all Email and sms Templates

Like First Template is Forgot Password. You can Edit Subject here
and email format like you can change your Logo also. You Can Edit/Remove these About us , Contact us , Login , Register Links.
(Note- Just DO not edit @name , @username , @link here because these are the parameters getting manage from back end.)
- Click on save template
So, We have all the status, where Email & SMS notifications go to Clients.
- Lets Edit the New Customer
- Same as above Discussed. You can Edit the Mailer Template here.
Just Do not Edit these Parameters.
- Click on Down Side of this Mailer. We have SMS Content, you can edit as per your need and save it
Pricing & Coverage
Here, we have Voice pricing & SMS pricing. You can see Pricing of every country or SMS type that is assigned to you as per your Rate plan. You can also export it in Excel from here.

Voice Call Management

- Rate plan Management: You can create Voice call Rates. We have discussed it above in how to create Rate Plans.
- Voice Job Management: Here, You can check Campaigns run by Your Clients for voice call.
- Voice Media: Here, you can check new Voice Notes requested by your clients.
a. Sender id
If you want to Request Any new Sender id you can Create it from here.
Step 1:
- Click on Sender ID. Create a new Sender ID request here.

- Enter Sender ID of 6 Alphabets In India
- In SMS content, Enter a sms sample you want to send with this sender id
- Click on Create New sender id Request
Now, Your Sender ID is Successfully Processed. It May Take 2 to 4 Working Hours to Activate.
b. Job Management

Here, You can check your Customers Campaigns details.
Manage Subscriptions
You can create your SMS Packages in the Manage Subscriptions that Your Clients can Buy Online from Purchase Credit here.
a. Manage Pricing Category
In the Manage Pricing Category, You can create different categories Like Promotional SMS Packages , Transactional SMS Packages, OTP SMS, Voice Call Packages.
Lets Create Some Categories:
Step 1:
- Click On Add New Pricing Category

Step 2:
- Enter Title Promotional SMS
- Click on Create New Pricing category

In These Categories, You can Use to Categorize your Packages.
b. Manage Subscription
Step 1:

- Select Country for which you want to Create this Subscription Package
- Next Select SMS Rate plan
- (All the Rate Plans You have to Create in the Rate Plan Management. Like if you are selling this Package for 20 paise per sms you have to make a rate plan in Rate plan Management. Also, if anyone buys this pack this rate plan will be automatically set to them.)
- Package name: You can keep a package name Like Trail, Silver, Gold. You can Keep Validity of this pack 30 Days, 6 Months, 1 Year whatever you want.
- Enter per SMS Cost ( for eg; 0.20 paisa)
- Enter SMS credits in this package like 1000
- Enter Package cost that will be 200
- Enter GST Vat % ( if you want to Charge it or leave it as 0)
- Enter in Total Cost that will be after GST/Vat is 236. ( As 200 is our Package cost +18% is the tax)
- Add Some Descriptions about the Package
Like: Instant Activation
SMS Sending Time:- 24 Hrs.
Delivery Time: 5 to 10 second
Easy to integrate API facility
- Click on Submit
Purchase Credit

- Click on Pay Now
- Click on save and it will take them to the payment page
Same Like these you Can Create other packages.
Invoice: You can Manage your Clients Invoices here.

Tickets: There are two tickets, i.e. My tickets & Customer tickets.

a. My tickets: You can manage your tickets with your admin. In my Ticket, you can ads a Ticket if you have any queries.
Step 1:

Step 2:
- Enter your Subject
- Enter your message
- Click Create a new ticket

Now Ticket is generated successfully. Our customer care executives will revert you soon on this Ticket. You can revert your clients ticket here.
b. Customer tickets: You can manage or reply to your client's Tickets.
DLR Report

In DLR report, You can check messages sent by your clients or download/View SMS DLR’s.
Indian platform for bulk SMS resellers
White Label Reseller Solution has been designed to provide Bulksmsplans clients with an opportunity to resell SMS credits to their personal and business customers. As described below, you can sell at your own cost, get unlimited sender IDs, and even more. Managing your users' accounts can be done from your own website. Bulk SMS Reseller includes both long code and short code services.
Reselling bulk SMS :
We offer two different routes to fit your customer's needs and budget. Thousands of SMS messages can be sent in a flash thanks to the 1thousand SMS/sec delivery capacity.
The critical route (transactional & promotional) is intended for sending important alerts and promotional sms that require immediate delivery. It also has a retry mechanism, so it retries multiple times up to 3 hours if the user is not reached or is switched off at the moment of sending the sms.
In addition, all messages sent on the Critical route are protected by 100% delivery guarantee on active numbers, and 10 seconds delivery SLA for transactional SMS.
Standard : (both transactional & promotional) routes can be used to run bulk campaigns larger than 1 lakh. With us, resellers in India can send bulk SMS for a reasonable price without compromising on quality. Read on for more information.